1. Find the 6 digit secret number that is hidden in these web pages. This number is not part of an address or phone number and it is not buried in the html code. If you find this number you will know you have found it. The number is not hyphenated or divided by spaces and does not include punctuation or decimal points or letters. If you don't find it, keep looking!
2. To enter the drawing E-mail your name, shipping address and telephone number along with the hidden number to fun@tboats.com. Please tell us how you found our web site. Or call us at 1-800-206-0006 and leave a message with your name, shipping address and telephone number and the hidden number. From outside the U.S., call our 1-360-966-SAIL (7245) number. Or fax us at 1-360-966-7245.
3. The drawing will be held on the last day of each month from all of the entries that have the correct hidden number. Each person can enter only once per month, but you can enter again every month of the year. The winner will win the fast T15 Racing Sloop, excellent sailing performance, kit version, shipping included anywhere in the world.
The hidden number and its location can change at any time between the first and the third day of the month. The old number will always be removed when a new number is posted. If the hidden number has not been changed during the first three days of the month the existing number will be eligible to win even though it may have been posted for more than one month. If the number has changed, you must have the most recent number to win. This contest will continue for as long as this web page entitled "Free Boat!" is part of the Tippecanoe Boats web site. Previous winners and employees of Tippecanoe Boats and their families are not eligible to win this prize.
Good Luck!
Tippecanoe Boats, ltd. 4305 Nordum Rd., Everson, WA 98247 USA phone/fax
1-800-206-0006 1-360-966-SAIL