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Summermint from Charlotte, North Carolina, by Leon HartThis is the pond I have on the farm.
Here are a few pictures I took showing what a grand day it was, at least for me.
The winds were light, but it was so quiet and peaceful that I sat out there for a couple of hours and enjoyed my boat. Thanks for the wonderful pleasure your T37 has
given to me in the building and now the sailing.
Leon, I love that dark green hull with the light spring green jib. She is really leaving a wake as she races across the pond. And what a great name for a boat, "Summer Mint"! It captures the whole feeling of relaxing and enjoying the grace and beauty of the day. A beautiful building job! Happy Sailing, Will
Timothy from Alexandria, Virginia, by Bob Gants
Bob writes:
"Thanks! Congratulations for the success of the T-37.
I know of one new order from Alexandria. Steve Nielson and I were
sailing our boats on the Potomac before New Years and generated
a lot of interest.
Bob Gants"
Thanks for the pictures, Bob. What a fine looking yacht!
Barry Ford and his 1st T37 Racing Yacht
Barry has now completed a second
T37 to sail along with his first boat, shown here. Barry is a
member of the West Vancouver Yacht Club and there's the yacht
club burgee on his transom.
finished boat is gorgeous. (I had a chance to admire the boat
when Barry drove down to pick up his second T37 kit.)
\ Nice job, Barry!
Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! I'll look forward to
seeing you at some of the Spring regattas for the T37's here in
Bellingham. Some of the members of the Bellingham Yacht Club now
have built their own T37's and should be turning out to give you
some good competition. Happy Sailing!
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