[ Great
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Pictures | Excellent Sailing Performance
| Radio Control T37 | T
50 MOD Radio Control Sailing Yacht | T50
Tri RC Multihull | T Class Racing Sloop
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The Tippecanoe Boats are designed
by a trans-Atlantic sailor.
- In 1981 Will headed across the Atlantic Ocean. He sailed
in a 24 foot sailboat he had built himself from western red cedar.
After departure from Chesapeake Bay on June 21, squalls chased
the small craft Eastward through building waves. Several nights
later, surfing on twelve foot breaking seas, Gimble pushed on
at top speed. Untested, it was not clear what daily speed could
be maintained and whether sufficient food and water had been
taken on board for the passage. Maximum sail was carried at all
- Will sighted the volcanic summit of Pico in the Azores after
21 days of sailing. The next morning Gimble slipped into the
harbor of Faial. The longest jump was over. It had been a fast
crossing indeed.
- From the Azores, the passage to Gibraltar was another 12
days. Will spent the following year cruising through the Mediterranean.
In Greece, Cynthia joined Will. They are now married and have
two children who are learning to sail in the Pacific Northwest
on the same boat that Will sailed across the Atlantic.
- The Tippecanoe Boats have been designed with thousands of
miles of sailing experience behind their design. This is why
they sail so well.
- Will Lesh, Tippecanoe Boats designer and trans-Atlantic sailor
- Click here for more pictures of sailing
in Greece and Turkey
[ Great
Owners Pictures | Home Page | Movie Page | More Fun
Pictures | Excellent Sailing Performance
| Radio Control T37 | T
50 MOD Radio Control Sailing Yacht | T50
Tri RC Multihull | T Class Racing Sloop
| Order Form]
Tippecanoe Boats, ltd. 4305 Nordum Rd., Everson,
WA 98247 USA phone/fax 1-800-206-0006 1-360-966-SAIL