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T5 Sailboat
Segelboot Bausatz, Petit Bateau a voile, Toy Sailboat
This cute little boat floats nicely in anything from a swiftly flowing stream to a large lake or a hot tub or a bath tub. Although we don't say this boat really sails like our larger boats, it does provide hours of fun playing along a beach, building little harbors, making great voyages. It has also been popular as a table setting holding name cards for seating at weddings and for party favors and decoration. Each boat comes beautifully varnished with a finish that will last for many years, even when left outdoors continually. The boat is 5 inches long and 5 inches high. The mast is an unbreakable Delrin (truly unbreakable!). The sail is ripstop nylon spinnaker cloth. Available in 8 different sail colors so you can have a bright and colorful fleet.
Set of three (3) T5 sailboats with different color sails: $32.50.
One (1) T5 sailboat with one sail color: $11.00.
[Order Form | Sailboat Mobile | T10 Pond Floater | Great Owners Pictures | Home Page | Movie Page | More Fun Pictures | Excellent Sailing Performance | Radio Control T37 | T10 Pond Floater | T12 Racing Sloop | T15Racing Sloop | T Class Racing Sloop]
Tippecanoe Boats, ltd. 4305 Nordum Rd., Everson,
WA 98247 USA phone/fax 1-800-206-0006 1-360-966-SAIL