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Fall 2006 T37 World Championship RC Sailboat Regatta!!

October 15

Join us at Greenlake in Seattle on Sunday, October 15, from 1 pm to 5 pm for the 4th Annual T37 World Championship Regatta. We will meet in front of the Bathhouse Theater on the West side of Greenlake. Last Year Dave Bruce, an airline pilot from Sammamish, Washington, won the first place trophy with a superb performance where he took 1st place in three races out of five. All T37 owners are eligible to race. There are no pre-requirements and there is no admission fee to race. All ages are welcome to turn out for this fun event. By all means come and be a spectator and bring some friends to cheer on the racing skippers if you don't yet own a T37 RC Sailboat. (See the area maps below for directions)

David Bruce, 2005 T37 World Champion

The race course will be sailed as shown below in the diagram. There will be 5 races out of which each skipper will count their best three finishes for their final score.

Click here for an explanation of the most basic racing rules: RC sailboat Racing Rules

Map overview of the Greenlake area. See map detail below for the meeting place.











Map detail of Green lake. We will meet at the water's edge in front of the Bathhouse Theater. The address for the Bathhouse Theater is 7312 West Greenlake drive North.

Hope to see you there for some sailing fun!

Happy Sailing,


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