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Allan Van Ness supplied these
T37 pictures taken with his camera operated by Ron Meicho's wife.
Ron and Allan were both racing their T37s at the time. Lake Padden,
Bellingham, WA. Nice job. Allan also has a stunning T50MOD.
Now we go into the classic boathouse beside the classic model boat pond in Central Park, New York, New York! Conservatory Waters.
Dominick has built his T50MOD in this great setting surrounded by some of the finest model sailing yachts in America. He is building a boat that proudly carries this fine tradition of beautiful yachts from the past two centuries forwards in the 21st century. The first model sailboat racing at Conservatory Waters was in 1875.
As you might've guessed, it doesn't even compare to
the speed of the lasers, ahaha. On days where there was very little
wind, all of the boats would just sit on the water, and mine would
glide smoothly through all the sitting ducks they call lasers.
I can't wait to see this new T65! Will it be 65 inches long? It
sounds like another great project, hopefully a more speedy one
this time around.
And yes of course I would be interested in taking part in the
Rendezvous! It would be pretty cool to see all of your boats sailing
such a historic place, and I'm pretty sure it would attract a
lot of attention. It's always a pleasure to tell people where
I purchased my boat, and reassuring them that they'll be pleased
with their purchase with great support from a friendly seller/sailor.
I saw all of the pictures on your site and also saw the new owner's
Thanks a lot,
And now we say goodbye to Dominick as we board a plane at JFK International Airport and head off to Norway!
I hope this is coming thrue to public viev.
My father was 75 last year, and I ordered 2 T37`, for us to do
some father and son stuff again.
Now we are having the best of time ever, when we can-, sailing
on "the great lakes of Telemark, Norway", or in the
fjords of Vestfold.
This is what the world need, moore time to play. THANK`S!!
Yours Mr. Kjell Grini.
This is one of my favorite Father, Son story of all the ones I've heard over the years of fathers and sons building and sailing our boats together.
A graceful T50 built by Mike Powers of Maynard, Massachusetts.
Mike writes, "I'll be looking forward to building another one this winter."
Here's a great photo and I've lost track of who sent it to me. Let me know if you know who this is holding his T37 Racing Sloop!
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